Disinfection is a common step in treating water of any kind. In a lot of cases chlorine based disinfection is a very good method because of the long disinfection power (ct time). Therefore all kinds of different chlorine products are available on the market. An alternative is electrolysis which provides a number of advantages compared to commercial chlorine products. Because chlorine is not stable for a very long time it deteriorates to chloride and also chlorates will be formed. Chlorides are corrosive and thus undesired in a number of processes and chlorates may not exceed maximum levels in the food industry. Because chlorine is used in agricultural processes as well as food processing applications the disinfection by-products have to be lowest possible. Therefore electrolysis is the utmost alternative, by producing only on demand we can keep the by-products lowest possible and serve a lot of industries in a positive way.
All the advantages of chlorine based disinfection with the lowest possible by-products result in a very sophisticated disinfection with long term effect.